Liquid Rubber Concrete Foundation and Basement Sealant Indoor & Outdoor Waterproof Coating
Liquid Rubber Concrete Foundation and Basement Sealant Indoor & Outdoor Waterproof Coating
Liquid Rubber Concrete Foundation and Basement Sealant – Indoor & Outdoor Waterproof Coating, Easy to Apply, Black, 1 Gallon
- Do not freeze. Store in a warm area. Do not apply in wet conditions or if rain is forecasted within 24 hrs.
- Not meant as a constant walking surface or for long term exposure to UV.
- Coverage – Flat/Ponding Surface – 15 sq ft/G per coat. Apply 4-5 heavy coats to achieve a 60-80 mil. (1.5-2.0mm) membrane.
- Apply next coat when dry to touch and nothing is wet underneath; tacky is okay.
- Generally 12-24 hrs between heavy coats. Amounts vary depending on surface roughness.
- Use all material up to achieve a long lasting membrane.
- Avoid hot, direct, intense sunlight during application. Remove Painters Tape while still wet.
- Clean Up – Use soap and water or mineral oil to clean skin.
Itcanbeusedinmanyapplicationswhereyouneedtocreateawatertightseal. UseLiquidRubberSeamTapeorLiquidRubberGeo-Textiletobridgeseams, joints, vents, protrusionstocreatealonglastingrepairorrejuvenation.
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