Home / Tool Accessories / Rockler Dust Right Dust Right 2-1/2” to 4” Mountable Dust Coupler By Rockler
  • Rockler Dust Right Dust Right 2-1/2” to 4” Mountable Dust Coupler By Rockler - Mieleushop
  • Rockler Dust Right Dust Right 2-1/2” to 4” Mountable Dust Coupler By Rockler - Mieleushop

Rockler Dust Right Dust Right 2-1/2” to 4” Mountable Dust Coupler By Rockler

  • Detail

    Rockler Dust Right Dust Right 2-1/2″ to 4″ Mountable Dust Coupler

    This coupler makes connection and disconnection of 2-1/2” and 4” dust hoses quick and easy. Simply mount the coupler within easy reach, whether on the workbench or the wall, then attach dust collection to the fitting as needed. You can leave the smaller end open for swapping between various smaller tools, or leave the larger end open so you can move a main 4” hose between that port and other larger tools. With the port easily visible and easily accessible, you won’t have to stoop and search under and behind power tools for the well-hidden stock dust ports. The 4” end has a stepped design that fits both 4” dust hose, and the Dust Right (not included)Made from reinforced ABS plastic for strength and durability | Dust Right 2-1/2” to 4” Mountable Dust Coupler By Rockler

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