Home / Tool Accessories / MATCHFIT MB-025-0514 Dovetail Router Bit
  • MATCHFIT MB-025-0514 Dovetail Router Bit - Mieleushop
  • MATCHFIT MB-025-0514 Dovetail Router Bit - Mieleushop
  • MATCHFIT MB-025-0514 Dovetail Router Bit - Mieleushop
  • MATCHFIT MB-025-0514 Dovetail Router Bit - Mieleushop
  • MATCHFIT MB-025-0514 Dovetail Router Bit - Mieleushop

MATCHFIT MB-025-0514 Dovetail Router Bit

  • Detail

    Matchfit MB-025-0514 Dovetail Router Bit (1/4″ Shank), Yellow, 14-Degree by 1/2″

    • Rout incredibly clean dovetail grooves and requires less sanding.
    • Perfect fit for the MATCHFIT dovetail Clamp system.
    • Evacuate chips and dust, reducing friction, and heat, resulting in cleaner cuts.
    • 14-Degree, 12 profile with unique rounded corners for smoother grooves.
    • Router collet safety line shows how deep into the collet the bit should be.

    The MATCHFIT Dovetail Router Bit is specifically designed for the match fit Dovetail clamps and Dovetail hardware. Its unique design uses the same standard 14°, ½ profile, but with rounded corners. It routes incredibly clean Dovetail grooves and requires less sanding, making the match fit system faster and easier than ever before. Down Shear – the 8° down Shear utilizes the bit’s rotation to evacuate chips and dust, reducing friction, and heat, resulting in cleaner cuts. Bottom round over-the bottom of the Dovetail Groove Bears the majority of the clamping pressure. The 1/32 round over strengthens that bottom corner by removing less material. This is especially important when routing grooves in plywood, as it minimized the the possibility of plies Separating. Top round over – the 1/16 round over at the top of the Dovetail Groove has several functions. Firstly, it prevents tear out and fuzz, significantly reducing the amount of sanding needed. It also provides a range of tolerance.

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