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  • Gel Satin Topcoat General Finishes - Mieleushop
  • Gel Satin Topcoat General Finishes - Mieleushop
  • Gel Satin Topcoat General Finishes - Mieleushop

Gel Satin Topcoat General Finishes

  • Detail

    Gel Satin Topcoat General Finishes Pint

    • Work in a well-ventilated area. Open windows and doors, or use other means, to maintain fresh air flow during application and drying.
    • Wipe off the excess evenly with the grain & with light pressure using a clean cloth or high-quality absorbent paper towel.
    • Finish sand between coats with a 220-320-grit foam sanding sponge or ‘0000’ steel wool. Do not sand final coat.
    • Remove dust with a vacuum, tack cloth or clean water dampened rag before re-coating.

    General Finishes Gel Topcoat has been designed to provide a beautiful, hand-rubbed finish which is ideal for furniture, crafts, and woodworking projects. Made from the highest quality oils and resins, General Finishes Gel Topcoat offers a finish as resistant as polyurethane, which is completely non-toxic after curing (not recommended for cutting boards, butcher block or any surface that one might cut food upon). Available as a gel, which allows for greater control, General Finishes Gel Topcoat is easy to apply and to wipe with a rag, which prevents splashing, drips, or runs. This finishing gel can be used to protect stained surfaces. Even though General Finishes Gel Stains contain urethane, they can be coated with Gel topcoat to greatly improve their protection.

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