Home / Building Consumables / AFM Safecoat Grout Sealer

AFM Safecoat Grout Sealer

  • Detail

    AFM SafeCoat, Grout Sealer, 1-Quart

    • Good water resistance for up to five years when properly applied
    • Low odor, non-offensive to installer and occupant
    • Safely used by and for the chemically sensitive
    • Zero VOC content, meets or exceeds all fed and state air quality regulations, including California
    • Contains no formaldehyde

    Safecoat Grout Sealer is a clear, moisture resistant sealer for porous tile grout and other cementitious surfaces. It actually reacts with and becomes a part of the grout, increasing water resistance and minimizing the penetration of liquids, helping to prevent staining and giving a wearable, washable surface. Like all Safecoat products, it is as safe and not toxic as possible, formaldehyde free and virtually odorless, giving off no offensive chemical fumes. Dries clear without discoloration.

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